Black South West Network HQ
reviving a locally listed building into a new cultural centre and flexible workspace for the Bristol-based charity, BSWN
For the past year, we have been working with Black South West Network (BSWN) to explore the potential for retrofitting, renovating and extending their current home, a 19th Century Coach House, to create a Centre for Black Enterprise and Culture.
Driven with clarity and passion from an ambitious client, the project is an opportunity to revive an underperforming building into a mixed-use asset for a local and global community, from within the heart of St Paul’s, Bristol.
Phased proposals have been developed in conjunction with a full design team and aim to repair the defective building fabric, improve natural light and ventilation, reduce regulated CO2 emissions and lower energy bills, remedy existing way-finding and safety issues and make the whole building accessible for the first time, no mean feat! It has been a challenging but rewarding process, where a programme of considered and meaningful engagement has helped to focus the values and priorities for the scheme.
The project will offer space for offices and studios; enterprise incubation; digital and physical exhibition, collaboration and performance; cultural resource and learning; and onsite café/ hospitality.
Take a look at the recently submitted planning application to see how we hope the Coach House can be transformed!

Our projects include the design of buildings for community groups and charities, affordable eco housing and hostels, low energy offices and commercial refurbishments.
our projects→